Unfortunately after installation when the server is rebooted, Sybase is not starting automatically. The problem is, that Sybase installation is done using a non privileged account, so there is no way to modify system files starting Sybase automatically.
Below you can find a script, that can be used to automatically manage Sybase on Linux machine and it can be probably also used on other Unix machines. You can call it with
start or
stop or
restart parameter, so this is a good candidate to use it with every systemd compatible operating system.
If you would like to have Sybase starting after each OS boot perform following configuration. Create a service file and save it as
/etc/systemd/sysctl/sybase.service. If required change the path to point to correct location of the scrip sybase_start
Description=SYBASE ASE
ExecStart=/opt/sap/sybase_start start
ExecStop=/opt/sap/sybase_start stop